Weekly Updates!

As any new information is discovered we will keep you up to date right here. Prescription Drug Abuse is growing issue with scattered information and statistics. We will source out current information and do our best to keep you up to date on this issue.

By continuing to educate ourselves, we can start to knock this issue out at the main source, our homes. If we have better security for our own medications and destroy old prescriptions, we can begin to wipe out the source of where young people are getting most of the products.

If you have any ideas of comments to share about your own experiences please do not hesitate to do so. By continuing to discuss this problem we can work together and stop it from growing!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

This Needs To Be Considered By All Of Us!!!

We have all learned that social media is a wonderful to "get the word out" about anything of interest.  What I have learned is that the things that interest the average person are truly not that interesting or important.  If I were to post a picture of my dinner last night or of something cute that my cat has done, I will get tremendous response from others.  If I post something and plead with people to stand up and take notice of something important though, nobody seems to care!

My point is that this issue of Prescription Drug Abuse is affecting all of us even though some of us can not see it yet.  Here is an article that depicts the problems that we are trying to create awareness about   http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/teen-s-opioid-addiction-descent-into-hell-for-ottawa-mom-1.2251945

This was an article I posted yesterday with absolutely no response.  I understand that people have enough problems and don't feel the need to add more to their stressful days, and I truly understand that.  As parents and responsible people we need to stand up and say something about problems such as these.  Prescription Drug Abuse is not only a growing problem, it is in your local schools whether you want to believe it or not.

I would like to turn a blind eye as well and hope that it is not in the schools of my children but reality tells me that it is there.  I want to believe that my children, who have wonderful values and morals, will not be tempted by a "cheap high" just as you do.  We were all children once and understand what peer pressure can do to a child and reality tells us that all our children will be "tested or tempted" at one time or another.

This is a very real problem and I know that we would all like to ensure the safety of our children and families.  We all need to take responsibility for this problem and do something about it!

Our group wants to attack this problem directly at its major source.  A large amount of us have prescriptions in our homes that may never be used again, or at least need to be under lock and key.  We are pleading with everyone to store their prescriptions properly so their is no possibility of them being used other than their intended purpose.  We are also pleading with all of you to return or destroy old and unneeded medications so that there is no possibility of them getting into the wrong hands.  If we remove the source, we remove the problem.

Our group will be handing out brochures and prescription drug return bags during the week beginning  November 11, 2013 in front of our local pharmacies.  It is our goal to hand out 500 bags and brochures across Northern Ontario.  It is not a large number but it is certainly a start.  We urge you to go to your local health unit and get some bags as well, so you can join us and help to stomp out this issue across Canada.

One person can make a difference, but larger groups of people can make an even bigger difference.  Let's ensure the safety and security of our children by removing the source of this problem together.  Share this information on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or wherever you feel you can get the word out.  If we can inform thousands of people, who can in turn inform thousands more, we the people can solve this problem and make this a better and safer place for all of us to live.

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